Hi Folks,
This is Buddy writing to you this month – and here we are in October already, and… Cooler weather – ahhhh….
Here are a couple Fall tips as you come back and open up your Florida homes, or get your forever home ready for the Winter season.
As outdoor temperatures begin to cool, some people start using rodenticides to discourage pesky critter infestations. These buggers try to come in the house. You can try to chase them out – or tell your Human so they can squash them, but don’t eat them – or the rodenticides. Roach balls do look tasty. No no no!
Another tip: Antifreeze might be used in your Human’s car all year round here in SWFL. It’s sweet tasting… BUT, these poisonous chemicals are highly poisonous to us Cats n Dogs.
Health Tip – Washing behind (and in) your ears
Did you know it’s important to keep your ears clean? Your Human can do this at home – or the vet can do it. If they aren’t too gross, some doggy ear cleaner and cotton balls will do the trick. Tell your Human to gently get all the cracks and crevasses. Then dry out your ears really well. No Q-tips please… they are just way too dangerous.
There are lots of Fall veggies that can be fun, unique treats for dogs. The key to them is MODERATION. 1 Tablespoon of pumpkin, a small slice of apple, a few green beans or zucchini chunks is enough. Lettuce, spinach and kale are also ok in small amounts – I personally find them icky.
Let’s talk about Exercise
We dogs need exercise every day to keep our body functioning properly and keep our weight in check. Some of our friends end up being “naughty dogs” if they don’t get enough exercise. Like chewing, jumping on Humans, and wuf wuffing for NO reason. Some of us are a little over our optimum weight.
But how much do we dogs need every day? Age plays an important factor here.
Puppies – they need lots of playtime and potty time. The rule of thumb is 5 minutes for every month of age, until full grown – twice a day. So, a 4-month-old puppy needs 20 minutes of play 2ce a day. Swimming, short games of fetch with small exercise balls and short walks are all tons of fun.
Adult dogs – to stay healthy, most of us like at least 30 minutes to 2 hours of exercise every day. Hiking, relay-race games and play dates with doggy friends are exciting. Taylor and I work almost every day at the store, attending to our customers. But we still like to get out and race around. Taylor is my very best buddy!
Senior dogs – when we canines get older, we often can’t maintain the pace we once enjoyed. Walks are still important but might be shorter in distance and at a slower speed. Max, our editor, likes to do a couple laps in the pool a few times a week. It feels better to his back, which has a little arthritis setting in. If you like to swim in the ocean or Charlotte Harbor, we suggest a life jacket, which you can get at our Cats n Dogs store. (Also, have your Human rinse you off in fresh water so you aren’t itchy from the salt water.)
Dog sizes and shapes make a difference too, as you might suspect. For instance: I didn’t know that “flat-nosed” breeds aren’t as active, especially in hot weather. Our friend Skochi always complains that it’s hard to breath in the summer, he doesn’t like to come out during the day.
Daily activity will keep us Dogs healthy. And, just think, YOU will be helping out your Human because they need to stay active too. It’s a great partnership!
Thanks to Dogster online magazine for giving me some facts for this blog!
With a Wuf Wuf and a Meoowww,
Your friends Buddy, Mango and Taylor
Q: How are a dog and a marine biologist alike?
A: One wags a tail and the other tags a whale.
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